
Understanding and Protecting the Health of Your Eyes

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Understanding and Protecting the Health of Your Eyes

A few years ago, I realised I had a long routine at the beginning and end of each day to take care of my body (yoga and cardio), my skin (exfoliating and cleansing) and my mind (reading and crossword puzzles). However, I had nothing in place to take care of my eyes. Arguably, as much as I love to be in shape and have great skin, I appreciate the ability to see even more. After that epiphany, I started taking better care of my eyes. I studied the risks of sun exposure and began to wear sunglasses, but that was only one step of the process. Hi, my name is Anne. Welcome to my blog. Take a look, and I hope these posts help your eyes.

Take Your Eyes to the Gym: Train Up Your Eyes & See the Life Benefits

It's common knowledge that getting a good amount of exercise is imperative in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Yet, while many make a conscious effort to stretch and flex their arms, legs, back, and neck, very few people go the same kind of effort when it comes to taking care of their eyes.

Just like the rest of your body, your vision is something that needs to be actively taken care of in order for it to function at maximum capacity, and can be taken care of by means of exercise. Discussed here are a few of the different eye exercises you can try at home, and what kind of benefits these frequent vision workout sessions can have for you and your lifestyle.

Professional Life

Your sight can play a huge role in what you can achieve in your professional life given how it acts a key form of communication, and also how it enables you to complete tasks to the best of your ability. Strained and tired eyes could lead to making mistakes; by engaging in several eye exercises, you'll be able to give your eyes the intervals of rest that they need in order to function correctly.

One great way to help maintain your eyes' health—especially if you work all day with computers—is by cupping the palms of your hands over your eyes. Simply close your eyes, and rest your palms over your eyelids and give yourself enough room to blink. This will shut out the world for a few minutes, and help provide your eyes and mind with some much needed recuperation time. Do this exercise a two or three times a day for two or three minutes at a time, and the kind of fatigue that arises as a result of strained vision can soon become a thing of the past.

Your occupation may involve having to monitor/focus on a variety of objects at one time, and in order to do this effectively it's important to ensure your eyes are trained and up to the task. Two excellent eye exercises you can do to keep track of several things at one time are the Figure Of Eight and Thumb Zooming.

For the Figure of Eight exercise, simply imagine a giant figure in front of you, turn it on its side, and slowly trace the figure with your eyes several times. For the Thumb Zooming exercise, simply take your thumb and hold it directly in front of you, slowly moving it away from your face and then back towards it again—all the while maintaining eye contact with the nail.

Both of these exercises will help you to keep your eyes active, and aptly train them for occasions in the workplace when you're required to keep track of several different things positioned in different places.

Social Life

By training your eyes in the appropriate ways, you can actually improve your interaction skills and make yourself more accessible and approachable as a result. The aspect of eye contact is actually an art, and by actively training your eyes, you'll be able to apply eye contact in the right way to achieve great results in your social life.

The very best way to improve your eye contact skills is by practicing blinking. It may sound simple, but the amount of times you blink in a minute significantly affects the way people perceive you, and by consciously making an effort to blink every three to four seconds, you'll come across as relaxed, friendly and approachable.

Once you have spent a good amount of time practicing this alone, take it up a notch and apply it in real life situations such as when you purchase something from a café or retail store. When engaging with the customer assistant, apply the practice of blinking every three to four seconds and see what kind of a reaction you get.

People who don't blink every three to four seconds often come across as being cold and intimidating, whereas those who blink every couple of seconds may be regarded as timid and nervous. For the social world, you need to get the blinking balance right in order to appear as relaxed and confident at all times, no matter who you're engaging with.

For more tips to keep your eyes in great shape, you can consult local optometrists.